Submission Deadline:
March 25th, 2023
Notifications by:
April 10th, 2023
The Conference Committee invites submissions for papers regarding any AAAPI topic as it relates to music or musicians. Topics can include but are not limited to:
● Analysis of works by AAAPI composers
● Research related to AAAPI cultural heritage and music
● Topics of Transnationalism as it relates to musicians and composers
● Pedagogy, Curriculum, and disciplinary concerns
Proposals should not exceed 300 words and must be anonymized.
Accepted papers will be allotted 20 minutes for presentation plus 10 minutes for questions.
Applicants may choose to also include supporting materials (e.g. musical example, figures, tables, selected bibliography, etc.), which will be uploaded separately on the google form.
By submitting to this call, the speaker gives permission to ACMI for the presentation to be recorded and broadcast live.

Submission Deadline:
March 25th, 2023
Notifications by:
April 10th, 2023
The Asian Classical Music initiative (ACMI) welcomes submissions of pre-existing and original works that showcase a range of AAAPI (Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander) classical musics and practices. This call includes proposals for 1) performances, and 2) lecture-recitals. The time limit includes set-up and pause between movements. Works utilizing electronic media will be considered contingent upon the availability of technological resources on site. Performers must provide their own computer or tablet and interface for any needed audio or video playback. Performers must provide their own instruments, including all percussion except pianos. Presentations requiring more than two pianos will not be considered. Pianos may not be prepared or altered in any way unless the insertion of objects can be installed and removed immediately before and after your performance.
1) Performances: While there is no limitation on the size of the ensemble (including solo), performances of 20-minutes or less that feature music by one or more composers. Performances are intended to present live music, and therefore speaking is generally limited to brief introductory comments.
2) Lecture-recitals: Limited to 30 minutes each, inclusive of delivery, discussion, and/or questions as appropriate. Lecture-recitals present scholarship in combination with live performance. Performers must arrange for their own accompanists.
The same topic may not be submitted as both a lecture-recital and performance.
Submission Requirements:
Proposals must list
1. all participants and collaborators.
2. The proposal’s title
3. Name/contact of performing ensemble and/or individual collaborator
4. Collaborator biographies (not to exceed 150 words per person)
5. Program notes (for performances) or abstract (for lecture-recital): 250 words or less.
6. Equipment and performance setting
7. Supplemental Materials:
• An audio sample of the work being submitted to demonstrate the proficiency of the soloist/ensemble of at least 3 minutes in length.
By submitting to this call, the performer(s) gives permission to record audio of the concert in which the submitted piece is included, and upon winning, to provide ACMI with a headshot, biographical information, and the score and parts in pdf format at no charge.

Submission Deadline:
March 25th, 2023
Notifications by:
April 10th, 2023
The Conference Committee welcomes submissions of original works to be performed during the conference. Works under 10 minutes for solo instruments, one or two pianos (two or more hands), small ensembles, voice, tape works or works with electronic accompaniment will be considered.
For electronic music, and non-Western instruments, composers must either perform their own works or provide their own performer(s). The conference organizers will try to find performers for submitted works, but it is highly recommended that composers provide their own performers. (Works utilizing electronic media will be considered contingent upon the availability of technological resources on site; performers must provide their own computer or tablet and interface for any needed audio or video playback.) Composers are expected to attend the performance.
Required Information:
1. The names, pronouns, email addresses, and institutional affiliations of all proposers and/or collaborators.
2. The composition’s title, instrumentation, and duration.
3. A brief biography of the composer (not to exceed 150 words).
4. An abstract or program notes (not to exceed 250 words).
5. A CV/Resumé of the proposer
6. A PDF copy of the full score and individual parts as one PDF file. Please make sure the scores and parts are fully anonymized. For works that are not represented in a traditional score-and-parts format, please provide a description of the conceptual framework used in the realization of the composition.
7. Audio/MIDI Example.
8. A list of required equipment (this includes chairs, stands, electronics, etc.).
9. Confirmation of whether or not the composer can provide performers.
By submitting to this call, the composer gives permission to record audio and video of the concert in which the submitted piece is included, and upon winning, to provide ACMI with a headshot, biographical information, and the score and parts in PDF format at no charge.

Submission Deadline:
12 pm (Noon) Eastern Time: April 5th , 2023
Notifications by:
April 20th, 2023
RU ACMI seeks original score for art songs based on one of the texts below. RU ACMI seeks to promote cultural awareness and acknowledgement for AAPI music through this competition. Selected works will be performed in the composition competition concert.
General Guidelines:
● Compositions must be under 10 minutes in duration.
● Compositions must select only one of the texts below.
● We request that compositions are written for one singer (SATB) with a piano.
For selected text, please check the pdf file.
Submission guidelines:
1. The composition’s title, voice part and duration.
2. A PDF copy of the full score. Make sure the composer’s name and affiliation do NOT appear in the scores.
3. A brief biography of the composer (not to exceed 150 words).
4. Audio/Midi Example (optional)
One composition may receive a $500 award however, the committee reserves the right not to bestow an award.
By submitting to this call, the composer gives permission to record audio and video of the concert in which the submitted piece is included, and upon winning, to provide ACMI with a headshot, biographical information, and the score and parts in PDF format at no charge.
After getting invited...
Registration Fee
*Every collaborator/presenter needs to register
Active College Students
$ 0
Common Registration
$ 0